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CBN vs CBG: Which Cannabinoid is Right for Your Wellness Needs?

Cannabinol (CBN) and Cannabigerol (CBG) are two entirely different chemicals found in weed. One is formed when the plant ages, while the other is the very first compound that forms in the plant and from which all the other cannabinoids are derived or synthesized. Rightly known as “the mother of all cannabinoids,” it is the… Read more

How to Find Weed Strains With Specific Terpenes

How to Find Weed Strains With Specific Terpenes?

Terpenes are naturally occurring chemicals found in plants including cannabis. Also known as terpenoids or isoprenoids, they are an aromatic class of compounds that are known for giving plants their unique aroma and flavor. As the largest and the most diverse group of organic compounds, terpenes can be found in abundance in weed which in… Read more

Difference Between Delta-8 and Delta-9 THC

Differences Between Delta-8 and Delta-9 THC

THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is perhaps the most commonly known cannabinoid found in weed. Infamous for delivering the psychoactive effects of cannabis, or the ‘high,’ it is what gives you the euphoric sensation once you take the hit. Often associated with ‘head high’ or mental high, it is what we refer to when we talk about the… Read more

CBD for Migraines

CBD for Migraines: Can It Really Help?

About half the world’s population, or 40% to be specific, suffer from some sort of headache or migraine. Needless to say, chronic migraine attacks can severely impact your day-to-day life making it hard to operate or even relax unless you take a painkiller or some remedy at the first sign of symptoms. Speaking of remedies,… Read more

How Many Hits in a 1 Gram Vape Cartridge

How Many Hits in a 1 Gram Vape Cartridge

A vape cartridge is an easy way to vape your favorite cannabis concentrates using a vaporizer or vaping device. Being a key component of a vaping apparatus, or more specifically, a vape pen, vape cartridges come in all strengths and flavors to give you a unique experience every time. Available in both reusable (refillable) and… Read more

Head High vs. Body High

Head High vs. Body High: What’s the Difference?

When it comes to marijuana, there are many types of ‘high’ that it can make you feel. From energized, uplifted, and euphoric to relaxed, stoned, and sleepy. As a psychotropic substance, that is sometimes called a hallucinogen too, marijuana/ weed/ cannabis can induce a wide range of effects on both your body and mind. The… Read more

What is TAC in Weed

What is TAC in Weed?

TAC or Total Active Cannabinoids is the number of active cannabinoids found in weed with THC and CBD being two of the most common. As a key metric, it is often described on the label and is used to determine the strength and concentration of all the cannabinoids that are found in your favorite weed… Read more